Sunday, March 05, 2006


Though those days are rare.
Even optimists despair.

Curse the broken promises.
Break the gifts of good will.
Erase softly spoken words of kindness.
Swear that one was not served one's fill.
"What has changed today my glass is only half full?"

Times be they rare.
Even optimists despair.

Because some sadness breaks even the bravest of hearts...

Life can be vain - stupidity - aimless treading of water on a sinking ship.
Inspiration a shallow worthless idealism.
Hope can be merely a veil behind which even the faintest of hearts hide.

Pulling out their hair
Crying futility...
only to declare "life's just not fair!"

Oh even optimists despair!

When it hurts to breathe
When it hurts to feel
When it hurts to see, taste or hear anything

When life and love is worthless
When there is nothing less than loneliness
When there is nothing more than cruelty

When there is no depth deeper than despair
- even optimists will drink deeply of this fare.